Making a Point
While house sitting last week, because I don't drive and entertainment options were limited, I watched a LOT of TV. The following clip is one inspiring example of exactly the point I stress when calling my congressman's office. Just change "marijuana" to "marriage laws for SSDI recipients" and the same holds true; the restrictions are out dated; they have not evolved with the times. Therefore, as with so many patients who really need marijuana to treat conditions nothing else will treat-- like severe epilepsy and migraines-- SSDI recipients can not get married and expect to keep their benefits, despite the modern economy's absolute need for each individual to contribute financially in a marriage. I add that the Constitution of the United States is clearly a living document that DOES grow and change with the society that surrounds it. There is the Abolition of Slavery, the 18th Amendment addressing women's suffrage when it had become an undeniable...