What do you say?
Yes it's been a long time, but there's good reason for that. I've been increasingly discouraged and disheartened in my attempts to make any headway with Congress, let alone the Federal Government. I could almost hear the people who answered my calls to my congressional rep. laughing at me when they hung up the phone. And it comes down to this. I don't pay very much taxes. I pay local/State taxes but because I am for all intents and purposes a ward of the United States, I don't give my Federal pound of flesh, as it were. So in their eyes, I don't matter. They probably WERE chuckling, and who could blame them? When all is said and done, I can't get married or move forward with my life unless I give up my livelihood. Infuriating. Not for the first time, I find myself screaming "who are they?!" "How can they tell me that unless I contribute financially, I don't deserve to contribute at all?" I have to ask myself some big, terrifying qu...