What do you say?

Yes it's been a long time, but there's good reason for that. I've been increasingly discouraged and disheartened in my attempts to make any headway with Congress, let alone the Federal Government. I could almost hear the people who answered my calls to my congressional rep. laughing at me when they hung up the phone. And it comes down to this. I don't pay very much taxes. I pay local/State taxes but because I am for all intents and purposes a ward of the United States, I don't give my Federal pound of flesh, as it were. So in their eyes, I don't matter. They probably WERE chuckling, and who could blame them? When all is said and done, I can't get married or move forward with my life unless I give up my livelihood. Infuriating. Not for the first time, I find myself screaming "who are they?!" "How can they tell me that unless I contribute financially, I don't deserve to contribute at all?" I have to ask myself some big, terrifying questions. At this point in my life, after living off the money awarded me by the Judicial Branch that outweighs the Executive, after all, I now have to ask myself if I want to attempt to enter the workforce after many years with a very unimpressive resume and nary a safety net...just so I won't die alone. There are horrible injustices all over it. I don't know what else to do. Pay for a lawyer with the precise expertise to convince the Highest Court that it's being unreasonable? And then, there goes my Plan B, if by chance this endeavor should fail...which you would almost expect it to. Anybody out there who's reading this, I'm more enraged than depressed. But it's been a dream of mine not to enter Eternity all by my lonesome...and now because of archaic laws and outdated beliefs, it looks like that's my only option. Dammit.


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