
Showing posts from March, 2020

A Retrospective

Hello Lovelies! Mornings (although almost afternoon at this point) allow for optimism. The rest of the day hasn't intruded on my sense of fulfillment and well-being yet, so I'm feeling pretty good about things right now, though that could change. It frequently DOES, once the world has had a chance to get its hooks in you. But after 2 weeks in my apartment, only leaving to pick up packages (or deliveries from wonderful friends) right outside the door--I feel like I've gotten this Lockdown thing--on lock! I have a meal delivery service that has taken an enormous part of the grocery burden off the usual service I use. And I've been freezing a lot of those meals for the "lean months"--when I think there's a chance that all of us might have to really dig into our stores for food. We don't know WHAT'S gonna happen, do we? So I've decided I'd rather be prepared than not, even if things never get that dire. Not to mention, if this crisis h...

Locked In

So Okay, a LOT has happened since my last entry, which anybody living in the United States with internet access certainly already knows! I mean...since Thursday night two weeks ago we've all been more or less confined to our homes. Those of us with a fear of death that is. To my amazement there seem to be a lot of others out there completely unconcerned about the current state affairs, probably walking around the city marveling at how clean and empty the streets are. For my part, I have done my utmost to stay on top of the developing situation with the Coronavirus, while at the same time trying NOT to lose my mind and despair. Most of last week I was walking around my apartment in a daze, absolutely dumb-founded by the way things seemed to have change--feeling fragile as I have most of this horrible year so far. I also did a fair amount of sleeping in and feeling sorry for myself, surfing the Net and trying to fill a void in my life that I had no idea how to fill, since I'd...


Found this while I was trolling online:) Thought it might be useful; even if you already know everything, a refresher couldn't hurt--and some of it's surprising, like "get another caregiver in case your care giver gets sick"--that was a new one on me!

Protect Us

I love this idea. I would love it more if it also included those of us who are slow...but not yet elderly:)


Well now I get it, Why so many people look at me strangely when I go out into the world and try to live like a normal person. I'm one of the vulnerable. One of the "contagious"--I'm not contagious--but they THINK I am because of WHO I am. And there are delivery services for everything, so how DARE I assume I have a right to be out among the "normal" people? Normal. I haven't been fighting people for toilet paper. I haven't been buying every canned good on every shelf in every store for a week. I'm home safe making what I have last, thank you, avoiding passing anything I MAY have onto even MORE vulnerable people--as they should be. I have common sense and dignity, which quite a few of those who used to look at me weird--clearly do not. And I'm a pretty good writer, if I do say so myself, which some of my friends would agree with. This forced isolation has allowed me to explore that possibility even more. And to watch a lot of old "Jeo...


In a world gone mad with rugged individualism and frighteningly Darwinian thoughts on survival during this CO-VID thing, I do understand the panic. But I also understand that media and online sources can manipulate facts, figures, and information to make anyone think just about anything those sources want--so I take everything with a healthy dose of skepticism. With that in mind, I encourage you all to be mavericks like me and think for yourselves. Don't roar off to the grocery or the hardware or the TOY store with malicious intent and step on hands to stock up on hand sanitizer. Think. Be kind. Be considerate.


It doesn't seem to be in the forefront of a lot of Ablist minds the REAL problem with staying away from work or crowds if you have CO-VID symptoms. YOU yourself may well be able to survive an infection. But here's the rub, folks; the elderly, infirm, or infantile (babies) nay NOT be able to survive it. For their sake; stay hone, everybody. Stay home for the love of God. For the love of Humanity! For the record; I would stay away from my usual public haunts if I contracted the virus, though it would hurt me deeply! What would hurt more is knowing I spread the virus they couldn't fight off.