
Well now I get it, Why so many people look at me strangely when I go out into the world and try to live like a normal person. I'm one of the vulnerable. One of the "contagious"--I'm not contagious--but they THINK I am because of WHO I am. And there are delivery services for everything, so how DARE I assume I have a right to be out among the "normal" people? Normal. I haven't been fighting people for toilet paper. I haven't been buying every canned good on every shelf in every store for a week. I'm home safe making what I have last, thank you, avoiding passing anything I MAY have onto even MORE vulnerable people--as they should be. I have common sense and dignity, which quite a few of those who used to look at me weird--clearly do not. And I'm a pretty good writer, if I do say so myself, which some of my friends would agree with. This forced isolation has allowed me to explore that possibility even more. And to watch a lot of old "Jeopardy!" episodes, which has been hilarious. Completely by coincidence, one of the questions is "[name the] ailment suffered by staying indoors too long". Answer? "What is Cabin Fever"--Alex! What a relief to have a moment for perspective and reflection. To see that if I look at myself objectively, I'm not the one with anything strange about her. And at least I can see that, unlike those who THINK I do:)


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