
Showing posts from May, 2020

Late but Important!

I came across this excellent article about the risks vs. the rewards of reopening the economy--as articulated through the unique perspective of the Disabled. The article says far more beautifully than I ever could how important it is to include the concerns of those more vulnerable to Covid in the discussion about reopening, bringing them to the fore for once:) I was nodding and "mmm-hmm"-ing all throughout; it rang many a familiar bell. Enjoy this (somewhat lengthy) read; listen to those who so very seldom get a voice:

Bonus Sunday Post!! "Your Face"

Happy Sunday, Lovelies! If you've "dropped in" on my blog for a while, you know how important God is to me. Well this morning an absolute gem of a song appeared in my Facebook feed, from an artist I've followed off and on (with varying intensity) throughout his career.

Asda on a Loop

Happy Monday, Lovelies! Actually in terms of days of the week, I find Mondays among the hardest for me these days:( Can't get going, don't wanna get going! But then there are stories like the one below that restore my faith in humanity. Indeed, it was the thought of sharing it with all of you that finally GOT me going! All the way from the mysterious shores of Scotland--this pandemic disaster is bringing out the resourcefulness and kindness in people. Inspiring greatness where there once was only apathy or maybe just half-hearted concern toward people with very specific needs and very particular parameters. I know if it were within my power I would send over some Spaghetti Loops for Duncan! And hopefully make his mum's life just a little bit easier for a while:) That's what our FIRST priority should be in these strange, horrible times. Helping each other see the other side as comfortably and safely as possible--no matter who they are or what else they're dealing wi...

Happy Face


Hello Lovelies! Life is so strange right now. Nothing is "right-side up". Nothing is even "black and white" OR "right and wrong" any more. We can't judge by the same gauge that we used to any more because the whole of EVERYTHING has changed. There are shades of gray everywhere. And sometimes it does seem like those shades are closing in on us and blocking out the light. Myself I have to fight against the darkness nearly every day. But how did Gertrude Stein put it? "The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence." An antidote. Not a toxin. So drowning my despair in alcohol is not the answer. Forgetting my despair in a musty green cloud of marijuana smoke is not the answer. And injecting or swallowing mind-numbing medications to sedate all of my emotions into a vapid black hole is NOT the answer. You can't run from life forever. You can't miss your life trying to avoid it. Y...