Asda on a Loop

Happy Monday, Lovelies! Actually in terms of days of the week, I find Mondays among the hardest for me these days:( Can't get going, don't wanna get going! But then there are stories like the one below that restore my faith in humanity. Indeed, it was the thought of sharing it with all of you that finally GOT me going! All the way from the mysterious shores of Scotland--this pandemic disaster is bringing out the resourcefulness and kindness in people. Inspiring greatness where there once was only apathy or maybe just half-hearted concern toward people with very specific needs and very particular parameters. I know if it were within my power I would send over some Spaghetti Loops for Duncan! And hopefully make his mum's life just a little bit easier for a while:) That's what our FIRST priority should be in these strange, horrible times. Helping each other see the other side as comfortably and safely as possible--no matter who they are or what else they're dealing with in their lives; this is literally the least (and arguably the most important) we can do.


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