
Showing posts from August, 2020


Good morning, lovelies! This is going to be a very busy week for me; I have a lot of things planned/scheduled that have been on the agenda for weeks and weeks. The following got me thinking about "my agenda," which I rely so much on my phone for. I enter everything into my phone as little reminders throughout the day to keep me focused and help me get things done. What would I do if I couldn't flip open (yes I still have an "ancient" flip phone) my phone and read my plans for the day, or enter something new I didn't want to forget? What would I do if I couldn't read or write? There have been a lot of things I do as a matter of course (setting reminders on my phone for example) that have been portrayed by the Able community as kind of pathetic, and I have become more aware of it as I've grown older. Re-watching the late '80s-early '90s series "Unsolved Mysteries" has been a huge eye-opener. In his normal narration, the host regul...

Mork-ing the Best of It

Hello Lovelies! I've had my hands full taking care of Miss Papaya and making sure she has everything she needs all week--or two? Who can tell in Quarantine when time doesn't matter? But I've dug up a video I've been saving, about a very sweet little dog named Mork who looks very different. And he has a little friend who ALSO turns heads in a "curious" way. Rings a bell with me. And I bet lots of people have said unpleasant things about HER within earshot as well:( Their story reminded me not only a little bit of my own (same challenges as Mr. Mork--Hydrocephalus and IBS to name a couple), but also of Pappy--as I call her. Indeed, who DOES know how long she's got here, being already such a regal age? But like Mork's English "mum" said--you just hang on and live the life:) That's what I'm doing for her, and she's absolutely loving it. Bossing me around, but also loving me to bits. I've already gotten lots of little harmless...


Good Morning Lovelies! I completely forgot about blogging yesterday (my mistake), because my every thought has been consumed by a four-legged senior "queen" cat task master! Finally I have a reason to get up early and to stay on task throughout the day, which let me tell you has been particularly difficult during Quarantine, and the prevailing attitude seems to be a devastated "nothing matters anymore." With the arrival of Papaya everything feels a little bit more important, and I simply cannot sleep late or spend as many idle hours on my computer anymore. My little alarm clock snaps me out of it with her meow! And she LOVES to meow. The moment we met in person for the first time, when the shelter owners brought her to me, Papaya would not STOP meowing! I've gotten mostly used to it though, as one does with everything. We've all gotten used to life under this interminable Quarantine against our will after all. I know I certainly didn't want to ...

Mid-Day Musings

Hello Lovelies! Feeling a little down on myself for not adding to my blog as much as I should have lately. To make up for it, today I present you two, yes TWO articles for your enjoyment:) The fist is an enlightening look at our "dual pandemic" and how they both affect the Disabled community through a two-person interview on YouTube, belatedly also celebrating the anniversary of the ADA. The next is a print article bringing the issues addressed in the first article to a finer point with just one story. They're both interesting and informative, though the second is of course a little sad. The written article struck ME, first of all, because of how much "normalcy" is in the primary photo. A couple in love. It honestly doesn't look to me like there is one thing missing from this man's life. Certainly not enough to claim his quadraple...