Mork-ing the Best of It

Hello Lovelies! I've had my hands full taking care of Miss Papaya and making sure she has everything she needs all week--or two? Who can tell in Quarantine when time doesn't matter? But I've dug up a video I've been saving, about a very sweet little dog named Mork who looks very different. And he has a little friend who ALSO turns heads in a "curious" way. Rings a bell with me. And I bet lots of people have said unpleasant things about HER within earshot as well:( Their story reminded me not only a little bit of my own (same challenges as Mr. Mork--Hydrocephalus and IBS to name a couple), but also of Pappy--as I call her. Indeed, who DOES know how long she's got here, being already such a regal age? But like Mork's English "mum" said--you just hang on and live the life:) That's what I'm doing for her, and she's absolutely loving it. Bossing me around, but also loving me to bits. I've already gotten lots of little harmless love bites. Enjoy the video below; may it serve as a reminder whenever we're feeling down these days--life goes on, and there are still good times to be had.


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