
Showing posts from 2025


Look at me, my Lovelies! I'm taking steps to bring awareness to my community, endeavoring to ensure that we are not the next group forgotten:  <iframe src="" width="500" height="590" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>

Checking in on a friend

 Hello Lovelies! I was scrolling and thought we all needed a little dose of Bitty and Beau's. Fun fact; the 9 of Hearts supposedly symbolizes emotional growth:


Hello lovelies! Today is gorgeous. The blue sky and sunshine put one in mind of summer. The snow and icy temperatures tell the real story. It is still the Winter of our discontent. With the state of the country, my heart goes out to everyone shoved violently out of sight. I know what it's like to be the unseen. One of the jokes I tell people is that "going invisible" is my super power. Sometimes people I've known for years walk right past me. Or I can disappear within my tiny condo and it feels unoccupied. Not that I'm trying  to be small, necessarily. It's more a defense mechanism when the time is right. Changes in policy lately have meant that going invisible for one's own safety isn't even a choice any more. Some people are just invisible. To those without a sense of humanity. These days I've become a bit of a zealot about making the "invisible" people visible, if it is within my power. I don't have that many tools at my disposal y...


  Hello! On this observance of the late, magnificent Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., I feel moved to write. And my friends, it's days like this when creativity is a useful outlet for our emotions, whatever they are. So I return to my old favorite art, one I discovered my aptitude for in high school and has never quite deserted me. Though Heaven knows I've let my talent fall by the wayside and not considered it much of a gift for years and years at a stretch. Throughout my life I've had long, long moments of grief and silence where I needed to withdraw to collect myself, and didn't feel at all like giving  back to a world that had robbed me of something I loved. Indeed my only focus at those times was  what I then lacked, and what I longed for. I wasn't thinking clearly or creatively. I thought only of a gaping black hole, freshly opened in my life, where my grandmother, father, fiance or best friend had been. And it felt like there was nothing that could ever fill the ...