Our house is rapidly transforming itself into a home customized for us. Thanks to wonderful friends and close family we have a ramp extending past the front door and winding its way to the street. There's some furniture from Craigslist, and a splurge on two extremely comfy kitchen chairs from World Market make the perfect places to relax. A weekend excursion to the local Salvation Army yielded a ton of useful (or just plain cute) goodies, including a wire basket for the mail that comes through a door slot and two beautiful lamps. The house is warm, our friends staying there to renovate and help us move have an irresistibly cuddly dog, and now there's even a beautiful new high efficiency washer and dryer set from Sears in the basement! I'm uncommonly proud of this particular addition; it was my choice after much deliberation, and it's a larger size to accept the copious amounts of laundry we always seem to have piling up around us. Of course Mikel and I are a littl...