Another Dream Comes True

And now, we are home owners! So many times throughout my life I have been convinced it would never happen. There was even a time when I had accepted that I would probably have to live with my mother the rest of my life. Now the very idea of me spending my entire life in a farmhouse full of rugs to trip over until I finally break a hip seems unfathomable. Talking to Mikel last night, we agreed that the difficulties he faces as a paraplegic make the difficulties I face with my walker seem negligable. And yet somehow, I never would have been able to realize my dream of owning my own home on my own, and neither would he; that makes our partnership that much more ideal.

All the fits and starts, all the hardships that preceded the final closing today, all the stress and frustration that crushed down on us like an iron fist so that we've been snapping viciously at each other over trivialities all day long--none of it matters. Together we were able to rise above the pressure that would have been insurmountable for one person.

In celebration we window shopped through home good stores all day, happily planning where to position furniture, feeling, I'm sure, like we could both breathe for the first time in months.

And now we have a future--one we couldn't have had alone. The process of moving will (I'm sure) be longer and more arduous than either one of us would really like, but it will be a joy. Compared to the firestorm we've just survived (thanks to a great many people both alive and dead--love you Dad), moving our lives from this Section 8 hidey hole of a 2-bedroom apartment to a 3 bedroom ranch with a huge basement will be magnificent.


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