
Showing posts from June, 2019


Another hot, sunny, allergen-rich day:( Remembering my dear Michael today is the only thing that's been more important. It was this day, seven years ago at exactly 2:10 in the afternoon, I lost him. But it has been a remarkable catalyst for everything that's followed! The people I've met, places I've gone, things I've done...they've all blown my own mind. And I really don't think very much of it would have happened without that horrible tragedy. My life began when I met him. It CHANGED completely and utterly when he died. Looking back on it though, that was in many ways when everything started that would define me as the person I am now. Things were totally different with Michael. They were wonderful, but they were completely 100 percent different. And if he had lived, I would also be entirely different. Many times I've flattered myself that I knew my destiny. I thought Michael was it. But BOY was that misconception shattered when Michael died. And so ...

Just Saying Hi

Hello Lovelies! Just checking in; literally nothing is new; I've been "sheltering in place" at my home since Wednesday. It's too hot, and the allergens fly too freely! I'm afraid I'd pass out from either the heat or suffocation if I ventured out:) But I don't mind. I have marvelous AC. I thank God every day for a safe, comfortable place to hide from this dreadful heat! And I don't think it's about to relent any time soon. I also thank God for allergy pills, 'cause I and so many others I know are constantly bothered by pollen and mold and EVERYTHING else "evil" flying through the air. I know a few people in California, and I just cannot imagine how they handle months and months of weather like this:( Although with them at least, I think it's mostly a dry heat. Meanwhile, putting ice in my coffee and pretending not to notice how long I run the air conditioning, for I know it will translate to "fun with bills" next mo...


Evening Lovelies! I was just exulting in the simple things that come when allergens (which have gotten extremely high of late) keep you for venturing out. Last night I heard the song "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash on ye olde traditional plug-in radio, which I still have by my bed because I am old-fashioned as can be an unashamed:) But how long has it been since anyone heard "Ring of Fire" on the radio in the Midwest?! It has to be at least 50 years. And even then it was probably either played ironically, to say "isn't this cute? This is what the old folks listened to" or it was an old folks radio station:) And this evening I almost wasn't going to MAKE a proper dinner. My church friends fed me well this afternoon; I even had a Klondike bar for dessert BEFORE Sunday brunch, much to my delight. But I'm so pleased I was able to throw together a very simple, very saucy Asian noodle salad so I won't go to bed kind of wishing I'd had a bi...

I am the storm

I'm Looking at You, World

Well, the rain has finally cleared up! Just for the moment:( I think tonight is going to be more of the same "tears from Heaven" all night long:( Possibly. In Michigan, you never know. The forecast could be on point, or they could be completely wrong! So I've made plans to make tonight a "stay in" kind of night and order from somewhere for dinner. I hate to do that when the weather is bad, but of course sometimes it just can't be avoided. And as a friend of mine so wisely observed when I shared with him a similar story..."you've gotta eat." Indeed. We do what we have to. At least it dried off enough that the guys who play on the tiny basketball court below have resumed their game:) And music is roaring from somewhere--probably a festival of some kind. There are MANY this month covering just about everything. Pride, (LGBTQ community awareness), graduations, Father's Day...there's even a lot of little local shindigs happening on the ar...

Amazing Video. The world is waking up...

I've gotten lost down a video watching worm hole! Before I climb back out and go to bed, let me share this sweet discovery that makes me SOOO happy, on a night when it's been pouring rain since at least 11:00. If it doesn't show the video for you, select the link, then copy and paste it into your browser...enjoy!

I Thought It Was Thursday!

Good Evening Lovelies! This week has been so busy that as the title suggests, I completely lost track of days. As such, writing on the appointed day COMPLETELY slipped my mind:) But at least I remembered before the week was over. Kind of like paying my bills, which seldom happens PRECISELY on the day they're due, but I always manage to pay in a panic during the allotted grace period! In fact, so began my afternoon. I walked through the blazing sun to the library and made myself return a DVD that was slightly overdue. I thought at the very least I'd have to pay a SMALL fine. Nope! I made it just under the wire, apparently, and avoided any such thing as a fine:) Thank goodness. Luckily while I was there, I remembered a few extra things I needed to handle that were within the library's "sphere of control"--if you like--so I handled those! I got novels to carry me through at least June, hopefully longer. I want to be deeply involved in one of them by the time I ge...