Good Morning, Lovelies! I found this wonderful article I thought I'd share with you. There is SO MUCH stigma around mental disabilities--most of it stemming from misunderstanding, even in today's more "enlightened and tolerant" world. My hope is that eventually, someday, two things will happen that have the potential to change EVERYTHING. First, just on a personal level, I would like to see the world realize "physical disability" does NOT mean "mentally handicapped." I mean come on guys, yes the body and brain work in concert much of the time, but there are exceptions. Just because we have limitations or are not as strong in body as the next guy does NOT mean there's "nothing going on upstairs." We could in many ways be smarter than YOU! Remember that, for my sake. The next thing I hope society will one day get over is the idea that having a mental disability is in and of itself a bad thing, and something to hide or be ashamed of....