The Small, Free Birds Fly

Both about to cancel our memberships to yet another online dating site in desperation, we looked twice at each other, and all it took was one simple question.My now fiance prompted in his lengthy profile (one of the few I actually read with interest all the way to the end)--"what is your favorite Irish song?"

Well! Those words could not have been more provocative to this lover of all things Irish. Though there is not a drop of Irish blood in my body by birth, I studied there my last semester of college eight years ago and it touched my heart. Since then it has always been part of me, and little did I know it shaped my desires for a partner to spend my life with. Years later, back in the college town that saw my passion for what I call "the green flame"--that special magic uniquely Irish, I have found one whose passion mirrors mine.

This is a blog to share the story of how I, Amelia, met Michael, and we knew almost immediately that our search had ended. Both with similar challenges, similar depressions, devastation, and desperation, both equally sure at one point our lives would end alone--we found each other.

Our love is my favorite song--"The Fields of Athenrigh"--and on that field two small, lonely birds have finally found the courage and the freedom to fly.


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