A New Life

By now we've all heard somebody say "I feel alive there" about one place or another. But I had resigned myself to the supposed fact that I would never be able to say that. At long last, I can!

Our neighborhood has embraced us with open arms, and our new house reveals its quirks to us on a daily basis. We've just learned about the perils of Drano thanks to this little gem! Before that we had also been living without an oven in the kitchen thanks to a previous owner somehow managing to melt wires together through improper use.

But we are coping happily:) Our housemates help us out; it was the handyman's idea to use Drano--for better or worse. And he has promised to do the major remodeling during a planned vacation to my home town this Spring. Hurray! No construction noise! Meanwhile I always tell myself while thinking fondly of Merle Haggard, "we like livin' right and bein' free".


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