Excitement All Around!

This morning, it is my exciting life I'm sharing the news about--not just business as usual:)

First, in the perfect example of life coming full circle, my sister and her fiance have set a date for their wedding, and I'm an honorary maid of honor!

The title is honorary only because there is some geological distance between us...but she's got local bridesmaids to help her keep her head together in Chicago. Because of my physical (and let's face it, financial) limitations, I can't hop on a train west every time Betsy needs me--no matter how much I would love the luxury! I'm just the contact person for the other bridesmaids if they need advice on Betsy. Although as former room mates of hers I think they're probably as much of an authority on the subject as I am! Still, it's thrilling to be included, however small the role. And I'm completely ecstatic about the idea of the late-summer wedding--the skeletal details of which were shared last night.

Another bit of thrilling news, representing yet another change in my life, is that as of late December I've had a new room mate! His name is Byron, and we met through Michael about two years ago, when Michael and I were still in the apartments. Here it is almost the end of the first month of his "tenancy" and things are going great.

The word tenancy is in quotes because it hardly feels like a landlord/renter relationship. It feels like we're sharing a house, which is essentially what it is. And I'm sure Michael would love the idea. He was always generous--even sometimes to his own detriment--and since his death I have always asked myself if I'm being the same way, because it seems like the right way to have been.

One of my favorite eulogies right after he died was one I found in Michael's favorite movie, Waking Ned Divine, about a man in Ireland who dies suddenly. "...a heart as big as his head within his chest." That was Michael to a "T"! For a man of relatively small stature, it was only because of his paraplegia. If Michael hadn't been confined to a wheelchair for so many years, he would have been a giant. Instead just his heart grew as big as a giant's:) For my part, all I can do is keep living a life I think he'd be proud to see me living, and hope that the love I send out is a shadow of that he sent!


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