Cold but Clean

It's ENTIRELY too cold! Not only is the Polar Vortex trouncing the state of Michigan right now (with special attention to the west central part), strong winds are blowing constantly-falling snow and the mounds of it that have already fallen ALL OVER:( Guess where I've been all week?! Yep, that's right. Right here watching the weather from inside the comfort of my own messy apartment. To add to the fun, last night the governor came on social media to appeal to the public to keep their heat at 65 degrees when they are home. Well, unfortunately I'm home pretty much all the time since it's not worth venturing two feet out of the door! But I'm getting used to the restrictions, which I begrudgingly followed. Initially, I will admit, I had no intention of complying with the governor's demands. But I got to thinking about it, and realized that if other home-bounders with disabilities suffer in the future--I do not want it to be MY fault:) So I'll happily make the sacrifice and clean my apartment to keep warm. On the plus side, downright tropical 30-45 degree weather is forecast for the near future! All we have to do is endure this violent cold just a little bit longer, and we'll be okay. Meanwhile I am SO grateful I listened to the Farmer's Almanac's dire cautions back in August (or whenever it was) to stock up on things that warm me. Sadly most of my frozen foods have been eaten. But I still have a whole, heaping box of hand warmers on top of lots tea:) Last night I actually put a hand warmer in each pocket, warming me up considerably:) We do what we have to, here in the center of the Storm:) As a final note, I've just seen a UPS truck, meaning that service is finally back up and running:) I've been waiting on something from them that it will be nice to have:) And even better, despite the snow, the glorious sun has been treating us all to golden light finally, after two days of fierce cold and grayness:)


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