
Showing posts from February, 2019

Small Steps

Hello Lovely Readers! I'm getting old. You know how I know? Besides the increasing intensity of aches and pains in the morning, and how much the cold now torments my joints (knees first, now the wrists too for extra fun), I know it because I am SO excited about cancelled plans:) And tonight's plans were merely to volunteer, which has given so much form and purpose to my otherwise nebulous days! So you'd think I'd be "aw shucks-ing" my bad fortune, especially on a day that is uncharacteristically BRILLIANT--if still cold. But surprisingly, I'm delighted to have the excuse to attend a lecture I HAD despaired of going to because it conflicted with my plans to volunteer (I'd made them first, and that always overrides whatever comes up later, if both things are elective). And in a rare moment of clarity, I even got groceries last night that will easily last me through the rest of the week, and welcome me home when I return EXTREMELY late from a trip out...

On Taking the Initiative

Well, hi! It has been an inordinately busy day for somebody who's been "hibernating" (somewhat reluctantly after the second week) for as long as I have:( But it's been good busy, church and friends busy, not tedious busy. That'll come tomorrow, God knows. And wouldn't you know it, I hear we're due for ANOTHER big snow on Wednesday. As my friend put it: "well it's Wednesday so..." because in this town, every Wednesday seems to be a snow day, and that's just a matter of course, and we should all get used to it:) And I have tried, Bloggerverse. I have TRIED. But ever since the Polar Vortex the idea of the cold outside causes me to physically recoil. It has been a struggle AND A HALF to force myself out the door some days, to face the uneven sidewalks covered in ice and snow, and "CAT-erpillar" my walker's four wheels over the icy mounds of "footpaths" that the City persists in allowing businesses to call "sho...

Another Avalanche From Above

BONUS PRE-RAGNAROK POST: First of all, to make this a "teaching moment", read this and tell me it ISN'T more appropriate than "Snowmaggedon": Secondly, in talking with a friend online who has also been snow-bound like much of the Midwest lately, and had to spend an inordinate amount of time indoors, I learned that he wasn't even aware of some of the delivery options available in this city. For myself and others like me, they are often a very necessary last resort. I include the ones I know about below, and hope they're of use to at least some of you snow birds out there, about to be grounded by another punishing bout of winter weather: @UberEats on Twitter UberEats customer service (in case of changes to an order): (800) 253-6882 Also, if you're local to my area, I know a numb...

Things That Make Us Smile

Mea Culpa, Lovelies! It's been a whole week or so since last I posted, though honestly, there hasn't been a whole lot happening around here. I've been hunkered down in the house with most of the rest of West Michigan, staying warm and avoiding black ice on the sidewalks:) Although, those sidewalks alone are reason enough to stay inside, if not also the freezing cold and miserable weather. Weather of ALL kinds! Often happening on the same day, has come to town at last and forced us all back into our homes like scared rabbits. For the most part, I'm grateful just to have a cozy "burrow" to hide in until the weather becomes more tolerable, but on days like today and yesterday, when there's lots of sunshine or at least temperatures above 20 degrees, I take my stir-crazy self out, not knowing how long it will be 'til I'm forced back into my hidey hole:) Such conditions, and knowing the whole region (and many others) have to contend with the same t...