Small Steps
Hello Lovely Readers! I'm getting old. You know how I know? Besides the increasing intensity of aches and pains in the morning, and how much the cold now torments my joints (knees first, now the wrists too for extra fun), I know it because I am SO excited about cancelled plans:) And tonight's plans were merely to volunteer, which has given so much form and purpose to my otherwise nebulous days! So you'd think I'd be "aw shucks-ing" my bad fortune, especially on a day that is uncharacteristically BRILLIANT--if still cold. But surprisingly, I'm delighted to have the excuse to attend a lecture I HAD despaired of going to because it conflicted with my plans to volunteer (I'd made them first, and that always overrides whatever comes up later, if both things are elective). And in a rare moment of clarity, I even got groceries last night that will easily last me through the rest of the week, and welcome me home when I return EXTREMELY late from a trip out...