Another Avalanche From Above
First of all, to make this a "teaching moment", read this and tell me it ISN'T more appropriate than "Snowmaggedon":
Secondly, in talking with a friend online who has also been snow-bound like much of the Midwest lately, and had to spend an inordinate amount of time indoors, I learned that he wasn't even aware of some of the delivery options available in this city. For myself and others like me, they are often a very necessary last resort. I include the ones I know about below, and hope they're of use to at least some of you snow birds out there, about to be grounded by another punishing bout of winter weather:
@UberEats on Twitter
UberEats customer service (in case of changes to an order): (800) 253-6882
Also, if you're local to my area, I know a number of grocery stores will deliver if you set up yearly pay account with them, and they all also have discounts/loyalty programs. Just go to their website and start hunting around!
Remember that everyone will want to stay in if they can, no matter HOW well-meaning they are under normal circumstances. These conditions haven't been seen at all--by many of the young people in this area. And people my age saw it a long time ago and now want to just help their kids get through it! So have a heart. I wouldn't take advantage of any of these services if there is any other option in the freezer or the fridge or the pantry. But if you must, certainly DO take advantage; no reason for a soul in GR to go hungry or be too cold, with all the resources in this lovely town. We just have to be willing to make sacrifices and concessions to help each other out. I think we can safely say after this winter that the days of taking any little luxuries we thought we were entitled to for granted are OVER!!!
Cheers, Lovelies; stay safe:)