
Showing posts from April, 2019

Thought for the Day

I've always preferred "challenged", or "some one who has challenges", or some variation on that theme. I agree with this article; sometimes it IS what it looks like, and no one should be ashamed to let THAT "flag fly":)

The Importance of Being Rested

Glorious Day, Lovelies! Since before Easter, we haven't had a single moment of unpleasant weather, I don't think. Maybe one or two days of cold-ish. So here's an update on the Library Commission Board position: It did not work out:( First of all, I underestimated the leg work that would be required. Given the few weeks I was allowed before the signatures were due, I tried to get out there and "campaign" every day, which worked for the first four days. After THAT, I was a wreck. My feet felt like they were going to fall off:( After that, it was never the same. I couldn't feel "rested," the pressure points on my feet (despite deep calluses) were throbbing, and even my KNEES had begun to protest the new routine. Not to mention how difficult it was to get anyone to sign anything at all:( Their rudeness felt like a personal assault after a while; like people felt particularly justified in being unkind to me because it WAS me; a girl with a walker. ...

I Can't Believe This

We're being surveilled?! We can't smile/look active/show emotion? This article expertly articulates the folly in this bill's reasoning, explaining while it is fundamentally impossible. I KNEW we would be "next" somewhere down his totem of expendables.

The Price to Pay

Hey!! It's been such a long couple of days. Actually weeks. Since I started seeking signatures JUST to get on the ballot for the library commission position, and JUST have a chance at election to the position, I've been going out almost every single day, hitting two locations (I move when it becomes closer to a meal time, so I'm closer to where people congregate)...I've been run off my feet! And today it became necessary to take that saying literally. I didn't go anywhere; hardly left my bed! But honestly, it's still kind of exhilarating:) I mean, doesn't every normal person usually come home after a long day with their feet and/or hands hurting? My hands hurt 'cause I've been gripping the walker handles very tightly, but I'm sure there are construction workers and NSA agents out there and who knows how many millions of other employees working their fingers to the bone EVERY day! I've just gotten a very small taste, and I do consider i...

Just an observation...

Do we live in a dystopian nightmare? Or is it that the old "rugged individualism" is being forced out of retirement, so people help each other out? Honestly, I can't figure out if I like this news or not. But I think it's worth addressing. I'm so sorry that we have to ask these questions, but with the Baby Boomer era sloooooowly receding, it was bound to come up. What do we do now? How do we move forward? Who's going to be in charge, and how? Hence, a story like this. The old ways of private insurance are showing their seams at this point. Here comes ingenuity and resourcefulness and compassion:

Late but Fierce

Here we are, Lovelies! Almost to the last weekday and I still haven't written:( But in my defense, it kind of snuck up on me. I've been thinking and planning so many "moves" lately I haven't stopped. My mind is reeling! This blog is a wonderful anchor. When I'm not focusing on "the world" or my faith, I can center in on what defines me, which is indeed what we all (I think) ultimately focus on at the end of the day, when we have to make decisions. Not that the aforementioned characteristics DON'T define me. But they do tend to fade into the mist around a busy life, which I have (almost without realizing it) built myself. Nor do I want the plight of the Disabled community to BECOME one of the things that fades into the mist. That would be counter-intuitive to my very well-being! Because if I don't at least acknowledge the things about me that make me "different" and admit that I need adjustments now and then to MAKE that life ...

The Future is Comin' On

Good Morning, Lovelies! I started writing yesterday. I intended to finish writing yesterday. But an exceptional dinner and the resulting mess I had to clean up afterward totally stole my mojo:) So here we are; a day late but hopefully I'll make up for any of our shortcomings! So today is a beautiful day, and that's a very good thing, as I have plans. I just wrote down the directions to the County Clerk's office with bleary eyes (an easy walk from here), waiting for my coffee to brew. Now it's "Monday Morning Coffee Time", I can tell you I'm getting the petitions to get myself on the ballot for library commissioner! They meet very close by, and I actually met one of them at a meeting there last week! Hence the motivation to run. It's a little frightening; I have SO many other things going on. But I the member I spoke to assured me it's only a once monthly time commitment. And that's only for 2-6 years. So if I AM elected (first I have ...