The Importance of Being Rested

Glorious Day, Lovelies! Since before Easter, we haven't had a single moment of unpleasant weather, I don't think. Maybe one or two days of cold-ish. So here's an update on the Library Commission Board position: It did not work out:( First of all, I underestimated the leg work that would be required. Given the few weeks I was allowed before the signatures were due, I tried to get out there and "campaign" every day, which worked for the first four days. After THAT, I was a wreck. My feet felt like they were going to fall off:( After that, it was never the same. I couldn't feel "rested," the pressure points on my feet (despite deep calluses) were throbbing, and even my KNEES had begun to protest the new routine. Not to mention how difficult it was to get anyone to sign anything at all:( Their rudeness felt like a personal assault after a while; like people felt particularly justified in being unkind to me because it WAS me; a girl with a walker. In retrospect, I doubt very much that it was THAT. People just don't like to be bothered with that kind of thing; I'm certainly guilty of doing the same. Though I'll tell you one thing; I will never fail to sign anyone's petition ever again if I come across somebody looking. I've learned how difficult they are to get, and how much it stings to make eye contact with somebody, smile at them and ask for their help, only to watch them walk past you and cross the street. I'll never do that! After all, is it THAT hard to take a minute to be kind? Just for the sake of BEING kind? Unfortunately, finding signatories was SO difficult and exhausting for me, I fell a little short of my goal. Plus the minimum was Higher than I'd thought, so for a couple of days I relaxed and forgot about campaigning, when I should have been out there trying to get signatures. So, long story short, there won't be representative of the disabled community on the Library Commission for at least the next two years:) I'm fine with it, just glad that it's over. My schedule certainly has NOT gotten any lighter without the need to go "politickin'" as I playfully called it on social networks. But instead I'm dealing with things I can handle, or that I enjoy. I guess another lesson from all this is that I need to respect my own limits, and be kind to myself. Indeed, that's a good lesson for everyone. Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't work so hard you make yourself sick. Give yourself a break! On these beautiful Spring days with hardly a drop of rain, I'm happy to oblige:)


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