Hear Me Roar

I was flustered, just trying to get to a restroom in time. Ran into the public library (my old standby) and saw a woman walking into the big stall with no visible physical challenge or mobility aid. I called out and asked her, "would you mind? You don't need that." Which I should have finished with "--for your mobility aid" or "for your wheelchair" or whatever. But like I said, I was flustered and in a hurry. Maybe I SHOULD have just sucked it up and left my walker outside the stalls. I've done that before so...it's not like I'm not used to it. BUT that's exactly it; I've done it before; I didn't WANT to do it again. She came back with, "don't tell me I don't need it!" I imagine she isn't used to being told what she can or cannot do. She needs to sign the register:) If you're disabled in this country EVERYONE tells you want you can't do. The additional complication of the Disabled putting each other in place shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Although maybe it is. Maybe she's only recently become disabled, and is such not used to how things work/the hard truths I've grown up with. But in the optimism borne of a new year and a new decade, I REFUSE to make excuses for her. Indeed, I think it's time we ALL stop making excuses. Which is why I've been out and about since this morning, and I'm now about to print some things I've been putting off. Everyone seems to think they've got it so much worse than everyone else; especially minorities within a minority. Of course I know it isn't EASY for anyone. But that doesn't mean I need to step aside. My right to the "big stall" is just as valid as anybody else's, thank you! I think we've covered this in this blog before. And however much you want it for your comfort, in a public facility especially--there will ALWAYS be somebody who needs it more. So that's me on my eternal soap box. Wonder how many decades I'll have to bang this drum before people "get it"? My guess is I'm not going to see progress for quite a while. Nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen...I persist.


Ruth Boven said…
I’m sorry for how often you experience this, Amelia. Thanks for your well written post and for your strength and grace. Ruth Boven

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