Explained Absence

Well Lovelies, it's been so busy! This weekend when I would normally have been thinking about writing another blog post, I was SCAMMED! I never, ever would have believed I'd be scammed. I never, ever would have believed I'd fall for such a stupid thing as somebody posing as someone I trusted. Alas, anyone can be a victim:( And indeed, I found out that lately, a LOT of people I know have fallen prey. The common link has been single income or Social Security. This encouraged me to alert my readers that the jackals are on the prowl!! They're looking for the most vulnerable among us. They're preying on our own desires. And they'll get you if they want. They got me. Be vigilant, be careful, and keep your heads up. Goodnight Lovelies! The whole weekend was physically painful, and now the gradual release of the anxiety coil is making me SO tired. Who says there has to be a "bedtime"?


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