
Good Afternoon, Lovelies! This is the day after an amazing birthday weekend. I hit a milestone in age, but a lady never reveals WHICH milestone:) So I'll just say I'm older than 10 and less than 100. You may draw your own conclusions. It's been a whirlwind; Friday in particular threatened to be completely devastating when I got stood up by my ride to Phlot for a spa day. Fortunately a neighbor saw my dilemma and rescued me, driving me there without a second thought. Thank Heaven for kind people; seriously. Where would we be without them? We'd be at the mercy of the unkind-minded majority, that's where:( And let me tell you, that would make life unbearable. Isn't it lovely when the Universe balances things out so nicely? And it's a very good thing I got to let loose this weekend and finally get over the stresses that have been plaguing me. Until Tuesday of last week, for the entire summer and a big chunk of the Autumn, I'd been without a washing machine and a dryer. And the guys that installed my beautiful new combination unit on Tuesday were SO deserving--the first thing I did this morning was make sure to pay the bill they sent me, in full:) One must give credit where credit's due, and reward those who deserve it. That was the official end of all my fun for the rest of the month though; gotta stretch my pennies 'til Pay Day now! But that's life, isn't it? It's taken me a number of years, but I finally learned how to live a good life and be the person I want to be, paying my bills on time, rewarding myself for surviving a stressful ordeal. Life is certainly never easy, but even as the years advance, it's always exciting. The neighborly drive to my relaxing hour in the spa and window shopping next door (I also bought myself a little something) added sparkle. I got home in the pouring rain, but I did so with full joy. There are still nice, altruistic people in the world willing to go out of their way for people who can't repay them! And then there are those who make it their business to help by installing major appliances and making repairs when necessary; they add a lot of sparkle to otherwise disappointing situations too. Oh and, the Phlot was a service too, come to think of it! On top of the no-show driver and the stress of having to be rescued by my neighbor--the building's power had been out all day! Oh what a relief it was to lie back on that salty water, close my eyes in the pitch-black pod, and float off into another space and time. Sometimes you need that complete escape from your life for a moment, and I sure did. I will admit that it's a little hard with my less-than-agile form to get into said pod sometimes; it's a few feet off the ground. But I make it happen. I'm not about to let anything prevent me from the pleasure. Nah-uh:( And post-phlot experience one of my ears is ALWAYS congested for a few days. But Mucinex works wonders at decongesting one's ears, and I'm not about to let that be the reason I don't ever go to Phlot anymore! Indeed the only good reason I can think of would be if the place flew away:) Today brings with it mixed joys. I'm sad that my weekend has ended, and I'm still trying to shake off an anxiety trigger that I experiennced last night just in time for my ONE cigarillo of the month. It was sorely needed after the stressful text. It's amazing the damage one little thing can do to your calm. But I'm happy I've got all my bills paid, food in the fridge, and a happy cat who loves to snuggle! Counting one's blessing helps with worry too.


Sandra Destrempes said…
Just wondering have you checked out mindfulness and deep breathing?
Also there are you tube videos Christian that share scripture, too.
Or some good Bach or Mozart
Amelia said…
This response is so late! Thank you for the advice.

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