The Heartwarming Hits Just Keep Coming...

Hello Lovelies! One of the reels I follow on Facebook has just added content! I've included it here to brighten your day as it did mine. Music is oh so important to me, as I hope you can tell, and as much as the purist in me repells the notion that this is "the last Beatles' song"--because it was generated only through AI and conjecture--the sentiment is genuine. I love that the kids in this video dedicated the song to their dad on his birthday, and that they worked so hard to show their dad how much he matters to them. I hope my own father knew... This is the link to the reel: Here is the link to the video: YouTube link: Hanukah has ended, but there are still celebrations yet to be had this season! To those I say happy holidays, and I'll see you soon:)


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