Basking in the Glow

 Hello Lovelies!

I've had to take some personal time; this has been quite a roller coaster month. I'm sharing (perhaps for the second or maybe third time?) a little neurodiversity reel that touches my heart every time.

Understand that when those of us with challenges--be they physical or mental--feel understood by one person, it means the whole world. We struggle every single day just to exist in environments where our very existence was never accounted for. Better not seen and not heard, right? So when Lewis Capaldi felt understood in his challenges by thousands of concert goers?! My friends, I'm sure that none of us can even imagine what that felt like.

You see him raise his eyebrows slightly as the crowd takes over for him, and just stand there listening for a moment. Then even as his tics from Tourette's Syndrome progress Capaldi sings one note, trying to join in the amazingly accepting moment, but he realizes he can't, bless him, and ultimately departs the stage. I think it's one of the sweetest things I've ever seen of a concert, neurodiverse challenges aside (see my earlier entry, "Metal Heart").

And so for your listening and viewing pleasure, I will once again just leave this here. May we all bask in the glow of the uniqueness we each posses, and the beauty of what we can create together when we seek to understand:


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