Hymn to Love

Context: "Hymmne a l'amour" is Paris' National Anthem

You guys! Check out what happened in France, this gorgeous day before the Opening Ceremonies commence on the Seine this evening:


According to a little Google Translate-sleuthing, the rough interpretation is this:

"Kevin Piette, paraplegic since an accident, made history by carrying the Olympic flame with his exoskeleton"

I could not be more excited! A torch-bearer in the able Olympics, and not even the Para-Olympics--displaying openly that persistence is key:) Of course I'm not denigrating what the athletes in the Para-Olympics do, or how important those Games are to sports everywhere. However, how cool is it that the "regular" Olympics are recognizing that an athlete is an athlete, a man is a man--regardless of the challenges he faces?

Had to share this timely gem with all of you; it will inspire me throughout these coming Games of the "typical" athletes. And even as I cheer them on with all the enthusiasm I can muster, the image of Kevin in his exoskeleton will be a constant in my mind. Oh the wild cheers and fist pumps I would send his way:) If only I were in France.


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