Update on Us

This morning I arrived at the hhospital before 8:00 after spending the night at home, marveling at the transformation since my mother had come and cleaned and organized like banshhee, indulging in a soak in my wonderful bathtub, and a fitfull night's sleep.

Coming into the room I asked Mikel how he was doing, and he smiled; "I survived the nighht without you."

So we're surviving. This is incredibly difficult, but I'm sure there must be a reason. Maybe he was juust tryng to do so much, trying to accomplish too much, and Fate had to step in and slow him down because he's supposed to stay with me for a long time:) That's what I'd like to believe.

Meanwhile I'm finding ways to make myself useful to him, something I don't always remember being able to do when we were just living at home. He was always the go-getter who tried to be productive every day; I often felt like I was a lazy homebody, 'cause I honestly didn't always feel like going anywhere. Now I have something to do.

I'm learning so much about neurolog. Much of it I already knew of course, from my own experiences. And it discourages me that my darliing is now in the same condition as I was during the worst part of mylife. But on the other hand, \I eventually came out of it, and now I'm doing very well. So there's good reason to believe he too will emerge happier and healthier from this experience. One can only hope!


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