
Had a very nice Yule yesterday, where I did everything I could think of that would have made the celebration special for both me and Mikel.

I'd been saving a thick beef sirloin steak in the freezer that I defrosted in the fridge for a few days and was perfectly ready for dinner. While I was lying in bed, having some down time and feeling rather depressed for about an hour--it came to me how I could make the steak even more special; wrap it in bacon! So for our dinner feast I had bacon-wrapped steak, mushrooms, and green beans all sauteed in the same oil as I used to cook the steak:) I outdid myself in the kitchen, and didn't even have a lot to clean up afterwards! To make it even special for my dogs, I poured a little pre-made store-bought gravy onto their dinners and wished them both "good yule." They were very happy:)

Now I have another celebration to look forward to, at home. My mother's picking me up shortly and I'll be off to spend six days in the embrace of my family. For the foreseeable future, my fiance and I still have a very special day just between us. I can remember everything wonderful about that brief, amazing time we had together, and do my best to honor the memory of it, all alone.

My dog Yoshi makes me smile as I cook though; he stands in the kitchen and watches me--just as Mikel used to--and smacks his lips in anticipation, just as Mikel did:) How heartwarming is that? I gave Yoshi an extra splash of gravy for being so cute.

Soon I'll be able to become completely immersed in the old, time-honored family traditions of a proud Swedish clan. Christmas Eve eating and drinking a little too much, so we arrive mildly hungover to Grandmother's for a feast the next day. Opening presents from under the tree Christmas Eve, relieving some of the pressure for the next morning, when we sleep in because the only thing left to unwrap is a stocking full of Dollar Store treasures that we all bought each other the night before.

This year we'll have more people and more pets at my mom's house for a few days than we've ever had before; I'll be bringing Yoshi and Mary (or the more seasonal Merry), and Mom has a bunch of her own. But it should be exciting, cozy, wonderful fun. Thank goodness today is cooler; last night I went out to look up at the blazing almost-full moon in m just my denim jacket. The snow is coming! And I'm coming back to celebrate, now that I've already had a night wrapped in magical memories.


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