A lesson on character...


I've been so busy I haven't even thought to add to my lovely blog:( I'll try not to let it happen again.

So today's latest news is that the couple I thought was going to be renting my garage for a discounted rate and keeping the driveway clear--has fallen through. What is it about people letting you down? He told me to ask him again in the summer, but I asked him in the summer about the winter and he just placated me, saying "I might take you up on that...". So I don't think I'll be asking him again.Do I make it look that easy to be me?

A little extra income would have helped tremendously this season:( And shoveling my driveway--while I can manage it now--will very soon be nearly impossible. Thank goodness for true friends.

Almost the instant I got in from shoveling (begrudgingly, cursing those with snow blowers the whole time), I called my friend the manager at the local market. "What can I help you with today young lady?" he asked cheerfully, knowing full well the reason I called was to ask his help, but not holding that against me.

"I need rock salt, and I'm out of milk," came my grateful reply. The market doesn't sell snow melters, though he accepted the request for a half gallon of 2% milk:) And he told me to call over to the hardware store adjacent and have them set aside some ice melting crystals. The manager told me he'd bring over my groceries after work! Thank goodness for follow through!

One thing that is absolute in this world; people will let you down. Things will not come to fruition. Even if some one says "if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know--" quite often they're just saying it to make themselves feel better. But the good thing is, through that disappointment you are forced to explore your options, and find that you have some--more than you thought.

I'm glad there are those out there who don't just speak to sound good. It's such a comfort to know that not everyone has forgotten the meaning of integrity..


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