This winter

Can you believe this winter? It's interminable! The ice and snow just keep coming...and of course there's no end in sight:( Even the Olympics in Sochi, Russia are now over. No Nancy Karigans or bombings ala Munich--although the press certainly raised the public's concerns about the possibility of something happening to protest Sochi's stance on gays. Now what is there to look forward to? Winter, winter everywhere:( The calendar might say it'll be over in a month or so, but from where I sit in the Midwest, that's a laugh. I thank my lucky stars that I was finally able to get the shoddy floor in my kitchen re-covered with vynyl this weekend. At LEAST I have that. But there's precious little else to pin my optimism on these days. Then again, I'm probably just having a "low moment", and things will all look better in the morning. Today has been pretty long and tiresome for a Sunday. I enjoyed church this morning; I'd probably be much more "ho-hum" without that little bright spot in my week. Tomorrow it starts up all over again! I hope it's a good week for you as well:)


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