
A few years ago, my extremely wise grandmother (who I don't consider "wrong" about almost anything) observed that there haven't been any real Christmas "classics" out for decades. A few years ago, she was certainly right about that! But that all changed last year, when the song "Mary Did You Know", and particularly this performance of it, burst into the public consciousness. I would say that THIS is what a new classic looks like, and it's taken me a while to realize that. It bares no resemblance whatsoever to "White Christmas," or even "All I Want For Christmas". But in a world spinning out of control this holiday season, with consumerism combined with political anxiety and varying opinions on public policy and outlooks that often look staggeringly last we have a restful, peaceful, reflective moment: I hope you all enjoy, and take as much hope from this single spectacle of love and beauty in a crazy world as I did. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays


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