Gears Turning, Day 1

Scary, but exciting:) I finally called my local congressional representative's office and let them know about this issue I'm so passionate about, and got the ball bouncing, if not rolling smoothly just yet! You know, one of my favorite quotes is "the shortest answer is doing." I've been so stuck in a rut lately and very unhappy with my life; I felt like nothing would ever change, and there was nothing I could do. Turns out there's always SOMETHING I can do! And even if this is just a baby little stutter step, at least it's a step. I feel renewed; I should have done this a long time ago! But I had to be feeling this down and depressed about myself to feel motivated to step out of my comfort zone. Upheaval is certainly not the goal for my life; since when is tumult a good thing? But a little shake up now and then is definitely needed; it restarts the spirit's entire process, and somehow encourages you. To be sure, I WILL be calling tomorrow. I've heard that making "that call" to your Congressional Representative about the issues dear to you should become a routine. Until the goal is reached. At least, thank God, as of today I'm one tiny little stutter step closer:)


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