
I almost forgot again! Shame on me. But you know, for a change it's been a good day:) All week I've been suffering from pretty intense post-adventure depression, just wandering around my little apartment, not wanting to participate in anything, scoffing at the Christmas commercials on TV, wishing I was still surrounded by family...or at least that I still had things I HAD to get done that day, as opposed to only things I could easily put off until tomorrow. This can be just as disabling as any physical impairment! Like one of my good friends from church and other groups always reminds me--"not all disabilities are visible." Well there you are, and one of the major problems with society. We have to flash our disabilities in front of people in order for them to get the attention they deserve, yet it's the LAST thing we want to do! What about getting jobs? I've all but given up on that possibility, thanks to the necessity of my walker and the red flag it represents the MOMENT I walk into an interview. Or what about volunteering? Even THAT is frustrating, when they shuttle off a Bachelor's degree holder to the realm of putting stickers on labels in the kids section of a library because they're worried about liability. Or whatever excuse there is. But I digress; my day. I actually enjoyed riding the city bus today; it was cozy warm, which was a welcome change from the iciness outside! And I didn't end up having to wait too long at bus stops because the drivers were right on top of their game for once. Saying "for once" is no reflection on them! I rely on their hard work. I just mean that with all the construction and detours and ice on the roads these days, it's not very often the bus gets to the stop exactly when it's supposed to! I was prepared to wait half an hour, and the bus was driving to the stop right at that moment:) In my old neighborhood that has become remarkably friendly to the disabled since I moved away (excellent timing), I checked out one of the newer shops and got full of Christmas cheer, also purchasing the exact amount of Christmas cards I still need this season, and next door I got a couple of groceries to help me through more of these horribly frigid nights! Thanks to the miracle of my good ol' library exchange system, I also got to return a book I'd gotten at one library to the one I was closest to, reducing the clutter in this little jewel box apartment one rented thing at a time! My resolutions this year are going to include a massive purge of all the mess I've accumulated over four lovely years.


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