Clip Time!

Hello Lovelies! Been a whirlwind week or so, let me tell ya! I had to miss last Sunday's installment because I was traveling (thank you once again, Amtrak; you've been a good friend), and then on Thursday of THIS week, I was still recovering from that whilst dealing with more personal drama. Yes, I used the word "whilst" in a sentence and I'm neither English NOR pre-19th Century:) I think it's time the Americans show a little class when they speak, don't you? Not that it's not IMPLIED...but it's not, really. Why not use the fancy words you know, rather than feign unintelligence? So anyway, I found this clip on my Facebook feed and thought I should share it with you. In fact the issue of accessibility for all has become a hot topic among members of my own church, which I for one consider fantastic:) In a day and age when life gets more...interesting every day, I find it heart-warming and wonderful that there are still those out there who prioritize those who have been more or less an afterthought to society for far too long. That's my opinion, anyway! Enjoy:


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