Keep dancing...

Well, Here we are again! Amazing what a little sunshine can do. Just the sight of it makes me happier and more productive. Those days and days inside with nothing to do but housework and being an internet junkie are so difficult! Welcome to the listening party for the latest CD in my collection--a jazzy contemporary Dutch singer who sings in English and makes me want to dance:) It matches the brighter day and happier circumstances of this day so well. The singer's name (in case anyone in my VERY Dutch area of Michigan is curious) is Caro Emerald, which is initially what drew me to "check out" this artist I'd never heard of. Her music was recommended with the YouTube videos I was watching of a DIFFERENT artist an old friend put on Facebook. I love it. Even though it's pretty brassy Jazz and big band, I find something to relate to in every one of Caro's songs:) And like I said, it's perfect for this sunnier weather. I can't wait to listen to it in summer when the weather is consistently lovely and warm. Maybe I'll even take it on my next trip to California, where the sun practically never sets:) At least it never has while I was there, but apparently there's been quite a lot of rain there lately, which makes me long to be there even more! I love the rain. Although honestly I avoid taking my walker out in it these days. That little contraption is becoming less and less like the "chariot" people used to euphemistically call it, and more and more like a jalopy. Creaking, kind of clicking as it goes along, held together by rusty bolts...I know I need a new one. I'm debating just getting another free one from the medical supply place or purchasing one that will actually LAST, and laugh at the adventures I take it on and trials I put it through:) I might have talked to you about a sadder, more serious, disability-related issue today, but this CD and the sun have made me too happy:) I'm swaying in my chair. Which actually speaks to ways of treating mild depression, which has afflicted just about EVERYONE I know this winter. Some to a clinical degree:( And I pray for all of us! But we soldier on. Sometimes you just can't conceal or pretend any more. Sometimes you just get up, put on a great CD and a great cup of coffee, and head off to your next "thing."


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