Everybody and Everyone
Happy Monday, Lovelies!
I know that's a contradiction in terms; Mondays are not, by their nature, generally very happy at all. But this one has brought a lot of long-awaited rain with it, which makes ME extremely happy.
I just wanted to mention that yesterday I noticed that in addition to all the obtrusive, invasive, noisy, bus-diverting-everywhere road construction being done, there are ALSO repairs being made that effect pedestrians:)
Returning from church, I noticed that a very cracked, uneven section of the sidewalk had been filled in. It's like an ugly scar--doesn't look fabulous. But it's a sign of improvements actually being made, and that's exciting!
This was particularly good to see in my case, since I'd encountered a lot of inaccessible features at a restaurant Saturday. And then during a subsequent shopping trip, there was the problem of aisles narrowed by merchandise "clutter", of course, as happens frequently. I'm very adept by now at "forging a path" where there isn't one; so I managed. And overall that particular store is very friendly to all kinds of shoppers, so I enjoyed myself.
In light of the news about Colorado firing disabled workers AHEAD of a wage increase at Goodwill just to save money, in what I consider a despicable move, it's nice to see some businesses at least "allowing us" to patronize them:( And it's VERY good to see the City actually making it just a little easier for people with mobility aides to navigate their crumbling sidewalks. Even on top of all the work they're doing to expand and resurface the streets everybody else drives on; it's nice to know that those of us who aren't "everybody else" are also being considered.