
And so it continues. Lockdown until forever. But it's becoming clearer and clearer that having no set limits on when to end Quarantine or when to return to normal is kind of the SMART way to go. There are after all no set limits on the length of COVID-19's infestation. I for one am more than happy to stay put for the time being. Although of course I'm feeling the same loneliness and restlessness we're ALL feeling, I'm willing to stay in to prevent the spread. The images my friends post of their kids, and the videos my family sends of my little cousins and nephew are all the motivation I need to isolate and create a future for them. At least that's the goal:) Yesterday was extremely hard, I'll be honest. Having to "attend" church on Easter through a TV screen onto a sanctuary I knew was empty but for the minister and liturgist and those playing the music...it hurt. But on the bright side, it was a wonderful service! And maybe in 20 years I'll be able to tell my nieces about how every one of us reached down deep within ourselves and found the reserves needed to keep the faith in times like these. And we found the strength in there somewhere. Because somebody had to make sure things were okay for our kids--and their kids, if possible. Such a thing would make all of this worth it. Imagining that future makes it so much easier to endure the present--for however long it lasts. Clearly this is a marathon and not a sprint.


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