The New Normal

I have the best friends!! My friend went out and got a long list of groceries for me today! She delivered them with her whole family, who guarded my groceries from curios passersby while I made a few trips up and down the elevator with my treasures. Now I am SO well-stocked for a while. I even have a couple of indulgences I just couldn't resist asking for, and it seems like it's just in time. The wind (very intense off and on lately) has picked up. Tonight there's a 90 percent chance of rain, and as the week progresses we could be in for some snow! And over the weekend, one really bad thing happened, followed by one truly happy thing! The constant seesaw between good and bad is what I've decided is the new normal. For everyone. And according to the experts on this Pandemic, things are only going to get worse. Of course they have been saying that for weeks, and there is the danger that people will just think "they're exaggerating" the way people often talk about the weather forecasts around here. But this is not the weather. We can't get too comfortable. People who deny--DIE. And really, how hard is it to follow the rules? Just do what you're told by the officials, NOT the leaders with no credentials who claim to know more than the experts based on absolutely no truth. Care about yourself. Care about other people! I honestly don't understand why that is so much to ask of people. Maybe THAT'S the new normal--some people care and show it, other people don't. And although of course that's nothing new; things have always been divided between the carers and the careless. HOWEVER there has not always been the element of fear. People have not always been anxious and stressed and a little bit stir crazy. Those who care about why they're doing it, and care about the people they're doing it FOR--will keep doing it even though they are afraid. Those without compassion or empathy for the more vulnerable are anxious and stressed because they feel they're being FORCED, and chomping at the bit to break the rules.


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