Living "Normally"

Hello Lovelies! This is what happens when I "try to be a normal person"--getting up early, completing multiple tasks throughout the day, eating a full and delightful dinner I made myself, then going to bed only AFTER forcing myself to clean up afterwards--I forget everything:) I forget my blog, and then oversleep the next day, becoming entirely discombobulated the next day and getting very little accomplished--except for the blog I'm adding to a day later than I wanted:) Years ago someone drew my attention to a meme about MS patients who "try to be a normal person" one day. The next frame was of the same MS patient asleep--"dead to the world"--on her bed, exhausted. From that I realized that all of us with physical challenges fight to "be normal" every day. While I know some incredible people who overcome said challenges with superhuman defiance every day to hold a laborious, steady job and contribute to the GDP--some of us aren't like that. I'm playing catch-up today, feeling like I'm way, way behind on everything I wanted to do today. I'm finding myself having to push most of it back ANOTHER day because I'm still tired. Make no mistake, I'm trying. I WANT to be involved, feel productive, feel important. But it's not easy. I'm just so grateful I have as much as I have, including the chance to reschedule my plans.


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