Finding Cheer

Good morning, Lovelies! This is the second day this week I've been up before the sun, which surprises even me. I am definitely more likely to be found staying up late then sleeping off my sleep debt far into the next day. So the next few days will be busy, and that's probably what's got me so keyed up. Nothing at all is negative or even unpleasant (although my first mammogram on Saturday--might be unpleasant if what I've heard of them is true); it's just busy. And I know that this early rising means I'll crash later. That's how it happened the other day, that's how it will happen again barring a miracle. But I'm looking forward to my busy-ness. For one thing, my Thanksgiving will be the antithesis of busy, so it seems only fair I should work it off until then. Along the same lines, I've been eating like a bird this month in preparation for the final, fantastic glut. For another thing, it's been a long time coming. In fact I've been mired in somewhat of a crushing depression the last few weeks, hardly doing anything and certainly NEVER leaving the house--waiting for something to do that sparked my interest:( Then on Monday I had a long-standing appointment I didn't want to miss, and that shook me out of my torpor. To my delight, the appointment was stressful but ultimitely redemptive, and I ended up riding its wave of activity after I returned home! One of my favorite quotes from an old Quote-a-Day Buddhist calendar says: "The shortest answer is doing." I believe it's a Chinese proverb, and I read it in college. Amazingly, that has stuck with me through a million changes and a MILLION highs and lows. It pops into my consciousness when I'm at my worst, and I'm so grateful to have read it. Other little things have also helped--an unexpected box of Junior Mints from the vending machine at the office of my appointment last week--that was a delightful boost. As was finding $5 in my purse:) It's the little things. Big things happen so rarely it's not worth waiting for THEM to lift me out of my moods. I have to find cheer as it comes. And with that, my dears, I bid you all a good day!


Carolyn DeNeut said…
I have yet to read anything from you that hasn't made me smile. Amelia - I haven't met you, although we both attend LaGrave, but your blogs make my although you feel mired in depression at times, please know your presence on this earth is so worthy...and your faith inspirational. :)

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