Schedule? What Schedule?

Hello Lovelies; I've missed our chats, I've been stressed to the hilt lately; the holiday season came up on me like a thief of joy in the night:( Halloween finally disappeared and then everything exploded in red and green glittter! Currently I'm dealing with so many things at home, related to my ignoring my domestic obligations for so long that they've piled up. Literally piled up. I have laundry all ove the house STILL, although the new laundry center has been working like a dream. The laundry in my basket is as high as it was prior to the laundry center's installation! Although this time, at least I know it's because I've been indulging in MORE clean sheets, clean clothes, and clean towels than I have in months. My mind is still collecting itself after I've spent the past three days fretting over whether or not a mortgage payment went through--awake all night worrying then asleep all day trying to forget my troubles. But today I resolved the issue after concluding (as is ALWAYS the case) that no one was going to rescue me from my dilemma and it was up to me to put my own damn troubles to rest. Then it seemed like the whole world had decided to leave the office early and not answer their phones, so I had to endure a bit more frustration there:( But somehow a little light went on in my head and told me exactly what I needed to do, and now my peace is back in place. So...Phew! One less thing to worry about. Now there are about a million MORE things rushing in to take its place, of course, but all of them are manageable. Entirely manageable. Just wanted to let everyone know why I've missed the last several Mondays. I've been so stressed out about money I had no brain space for anything else. If I'd written to you, I probably would have divulged my account information, in a desperate attempt to have someone else take the reins and take over. But that's not reality, no matter how hard we pray. And frankly my prayers have been FURIOUSLY disjointed lately. I haven't known what to say or where to direct my attention. I just thank God for knowing my heart. And I have confidence if anyone does, He does. So that's that for now; the next thing won't really happen for days and days. Meanwhile there's the traditional holiday uproar leading up to what really has no reason to be SUCH a commercial holiday--Christmas--but it definitely is. They're still trying to make Thanksgiving the same way, though so far they haven't quite succeeded. Fingers crossed they never get any closer to acheiving their goals!


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