Broken Lives After Dark

Good Evening, Lovelies! I was just scrolling and came across a wonderful article about a performer I admire very much but knew nothing about. His name is Lewis Capaldi and he's Scottish, which surprised me, and also he has Tourette's Syndrome, which floored me. Also some mental health issues, but one might imagine they'd follow a debilitating condition like Tourette's, right? Wouldn't you? Take it from someone with reduced mobility and increasing pain--it messes with you. So again this proves my theory--there IS no "normal", and we're all fighting. For your late night perusal, I present to you this little news item. I hope you find it as inspiring as I did. Did you catch the video of Lewis performing when the crowd took over for him? I did, and there were some things left out in the video coverage I saw. It didn't mention Capaldi's physical challenges on top of his mental ones. Watching this story added to my apppreciation for this performer about a thousand percent. While I can certainly imagine the courage it took to go out on stage in front of thousands of people and sing your guts out in front of them (being a little brave myself)--I can only dream of doing such a thing AND contending with a major disability for which you take medication. Fortunately (praise whatever God there is) I don't have any problems that require me to medicate simply to function. But a LOT of my friends do. And but for the grace of God, I certainly would be among them. For your delight and enlightenment, I present the following:


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