Highs and Lows

I've got an illustration for you! And I would argue this is not "a day in the life of a PWD". It's "several times a day in the life of a PWD". We literally deal with this type of thing from sun-up to sun-down. For example in the comments somebody wrote that asking for a smile first is the bigger issue. In other words, exploiting the woman's disability WASN'T an issue. With that, I take issue. It exemplifies the problem we have in this society where the only problems people of privilege is are their OWN problems. Yes, being a woman and being belittled or objectified is an issue that must not be ignored. However, this woman in particular was already in a more vulnerable possition, being physically lower than her harasser. Furthermore, she couldn't easily deflect this man's comment--she needed the elevator! And finally, as I have run into myself, if she DID flip this guy off in response as one could absolutely forgive her for doing, would he get physical with her and slap her face, or hurl more insults or worse--because these days one never knows--would he use a weapon against her?


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