
Hello Lovelies! I'm having a lonely moment:( It's another gray day in town, with snow in the forecast. And I know I'm not the only one getting gloomy this time of year, even without any snow. My sadness today comes from having to deal with "young people loneliness"--feeling isolated, feeling misunderstood, disrespected, and often disregarded...AS WELL as "old people loneliness"--that feeling that others are afraid you'll break if you hug them too tight:( When hugs are my very, favorite thing! Or if not my favorite thing, one of the top 5:) So because I believe if you have a grievance, you don't have to sit around and complain, you can get up and there is ALWAYS something to be done to get out of the situation--I'm doing something. Meet Clara Woods, a wonderful, mostly non-verbal stroke survivor. She's also remarkably young, which reminds me of my would-have-been husband Michael, who had a stroke as a very young man yet lived in a wheelchair and was VERY verbal:) The only difference in his case was that he was older when I met him. I've included links to reels of Clara being warmly and tightly hugged by people who care about her. See? It's not dangerous to hug an older person OR a disabled person. Not only are hugs as safe and healthy for us as they are for you, they mean the world. To conclude, here's a link to Clara's website, which is not only empowering for the disabled community, but also for young women of any community, who fee there is something--anything--holding them back. Enjoy!


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