
Yesterday while re-reading the computer journal I've kept for years and years, I saw clearly how quickly this all happened. Michael and I met and fell in love, then started living together within the same month. A month after that, we were engaged!

For both of us, it meant accepting huge changes and opinions; we both know it will take us a happy life time to become absolutely familiar with every facet of each other. But we obviously welcome the challenge!

So I finally understand some of the reactions I've received from friends and loved ones, though not entirely. I also finally know that the sappy saying, "I just know this is the one", is true. When you find "The One", there's no doubt, and no reason in your mind to delay. We've both been waiting for each other, and finally somehow we found each other. All the same, I appreciate you all just letting whatever will be--be.

None of this could have happened to either one of us without the other; we know that. Now we are more than happy to let the petals of our life unfold into Spring, and embrace the future. We love you all, and we can't wait to share it with you!


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