Living in the Moment

...and the moment is good.

Just finally got back from the greatest solo adventure I've probably ever had--cross country to visit relatives I'd never met in person, sustained only by the connection I would have had to them had June 30th never happened....welcomed with open arms!

The all-to-short but sweet first visit was marvelous. It's like nothing I've ever experienced up in the Midwest, or as I called it in Oklahoma, "the great white North." Disneyland is right there, and the Pacific Ocean is visible out almost every window. Each day is like a fairy tale--in October you put on your shorts or a sundress that bares your knees and wait for the heat! Back home in the October morning you put on your bathrobe and slippers, and wait for the day to grow dark again:(

I came home and everything still smelled the same; my quiet, dark house was waiting patiently for me. Bursting with a million memories and stories, I begin my life which now feels much richer and more exciting, now that this perfect time of  year has blossomed in my absence. I left when September was winding down and the 70-degree weather was still holding on. I return to a blazing orange tree right outside my office window and a multi-color mosaic on my front lawn!

Even better, there are seasonal specials at my new favorite grocery store, Aldi, home of the coin-operated grocery cart rack:) I tallied up a rough estimate of how many meals I could make with the bounty now in my cabinets, and figured I'm probably comfortably set for the rest of the year, if not longer. So it's just going to be milk and eggs for me at the local grocery store for quite a while:)

There's no question that without Michael, who taught me fearlessness and self-confidence and opened the entire world up to me, I would still be the silly romantic girl holed up in her little bedroom for hours at a time, waiting for something to happen. Today I realized that another thing Michael gave me was a sense of self-importance that I never had before. Not to say that I feel I'm more important than anyone or any thing in the world, certainly. What I mean is that I feel like I deserve the things I want, and what I deserve is important:) That is definitely a gift from Michael.

So perfect that Marc Cohn's "The Things We've Handed Down" is on the radio right now. It's about sons and daughters, but I just met some great ones, didn't I? I met marvelous boys and daddy's little girls, and magnificent combinations of the things handed down:) And here I am back at my favorite computer, staring into Michael's hazel eyes, thinking about what he's given me:) The moment is good.


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