Athletic v. Academic

I found this an encouraging piece of news...but it's a little disheartening. Like so many other marginalized groups, we the Disabled are only recognized by society if we have ATHLETIC prowess. Those of with beautiful minds, whose strength lies in intelligence, are ignored. I think of 9 year old Anastasia Somoza. Her speech during the 2016 Democratic Convention captivated me. Yet every time I mention her name and aptitude to some one, they stare at me blankly. I do think it's wonderful someone with a disability is gaining national attention for simply being drafted onto a pro football team, I also notice that Shaquem Griffin is older, and also a member of a racial minority. Does that make it more "socially acceptable" to laud his achievements than those of Somoza? Here is the article on Griffin: And here is an article about Somova: This discrepancy exacerbates a unique problem we have in this country. Who's more discriminated against, and who deserves MORE recognition? I think this is one of the thing that stands in the way of the Disabled achieving marriage rights without losing their disability benefits. How can we look as deserving of the rights of perfectly able individuals--like marriage?


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