
Happy Memorial Day!! I'm enjoying being "grounded" by a city bus that isn't running today. Of course on principle, I don't begrudge anybody their extra day off. Lord knows we could all use a little rest! But I've found that this decision by the only mode of transportation for some, has created a big stir among those of us with very few options. When I first read the bus line's post on Facebook that they'd be closed for Memorial Day, I commented "Great, not like any of us have places to go that day"...thinking about events within the city that I wouldn't mind going to, or that I might like to get groceries that day--or something. To my surprise, I got a fair amount of replies! From there the conversation just took off. The first reply was "...or jobs they still need to get to." Imagine the trouble. You don't have a car, the bus isn't running, and maybe an Uber or Lyft isn't an option either! So what do you do? Ask a friend? What if they too are celebrating, or have other plans with family, like visiting a fallen soldier's grave? One member of my church makes a pilgrimage to Arlington National Cemetery every year at this time. She wouldn't be available to help me out if I need a ride anywhere today:( To my chagrin, mild annoyance, and somewhat amusement--the thread of my comment has been taken down, or I would have posted it here to give us all something exciting to read. This is frequently what happens when marginalized groups speak up: their voices are silenced and their complaints ignored. And nobody says a thing. So there you have the latest update on the struggle. The fight to be seen continues, and no matter what any of us says it doesn't matter--the "able" control the busses; we're not going anywhere:(


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